Saturday, May 17, 2008

Same old Slime

John Edwards endorsing Barack Obama, at a strategic time picked to distract the media from Hillary Clinton’s overwhelming victory in West Virginia, reminded me of what I think was one of the most representative moments in Senator Obama’s campaign.

It was January 21, 2008, in South Carolina. The three remaining democratic candidates were debating. Senator Barack Obama was commenting on the issues of gender and race. He said, “One last point I want to make, because I think the media, you know, has really been focused a lot on race as we move down to South Carolina. And I have to say that, as I travel around South Carolina, I am absolutely convinced that white, black, Latino, Asian people want to move beyond our divisions, and they want to join together… (APPLAUSE) … in order to create a movement for change in this country. And I mean, I’m not entirely faulting the media because, look, race is a factor in our society. There’s no doubt that in a race where you’ve got an African-American, and a woman and John…(LAUGHTER) …there’s no doubt that that has piqued interested, but I guess what I’m saying is I don’t want to sell the American people short.”

At the point where Senator Obama said, “and John,” he physically referred to John Edwards in a mocking fashion, which is what brought the laughter.

Examine the comment. It is a case of a candidate both decrying focus on an issue and focusing on it at the same time, even in a mocking fashion.

Keep in mind that at the same time, The Obama campaign’s South Carolina press secretary had sent out a five-point memo designed to charge the primary with racial divisions, by misconstruing and exaggerating comments made by the Clintons and their supporters. His campaign press office was encouraging the media to focus on racial divisiveness.

So now the candidate who mocked the former candidate for his race and gender has his endorsement. That came two days after Edwards said he would not be endorsing a candidate. We’ll eventually find out what sort of deal led to the endorsement. The wheels of power continue to turn with the same slimy grease that has lubricated them throughout our history. This is not change. It is business as usual.


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