Monday, January 14, 2008

Media Distraction

While the media in America are completely unraveling about snippets of comments made by political candidates over issues that do not matter, (Is hope enough or do you also need to work and utilize the political process? Try both!), the Iraqi Defense Minister Abdul Qadir dropped a bomb on a Fort in Virginia. In a visit to Fort Monroe he said that Iraq will need U.S. Military assistance until 2018. That’s defending the country from outside. He said that Iraqis should be able to handle their internal security by 2012. Of course these numbers keep sliding into the future. John McCain has said that American forces can be in country for 100 years. Look at Germany. Look at Korea. Internal threats don’t apply to those. In 2003, we were saying that it took months to pacify Germany after World War II. Pacifying South Korea was not a real issue after the “conflict” leveled it. Occupation of those was to stop external threats. Apples and Oranges. We’re talking being in Iraq until 2012, at least, just to pacify it internally?

Now as far as the Tim Russert led misinformation campaign about comments made by Hillary Clinton, that were a reaction to a question from FOX NEWS reporter Major Garrett who read an Obama quote about Martin Luther King Jr., in which Obama said, in effect that leaders have to set challenges, such as King’s I have a Dream speech. He was reacting to Hillary Clinton’s focus on deeds vs words. Of course, from Obama, they were just more words. Clinton answered Garrett saying that Presidents before Johnson had not acted and it took someone who knows the ropes to actually get the bills passed. So, no she did not discount MLK’s work, in fact she praised it in the full quote. If you say that this has anything to do with race then you haven’t seen the full quote. It is right there on You Tube. Nice try Russert. I am sure that since Hillary slammed your "Jesuit logic" that you will try harder next time.


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