Go to rehab Mr. President
It is time for the media to demand real change in our sources of energy. Not just changing an oily shirt for a clean one, but for real change. The Deepwater Horizon disaster has revealed the risk that we have been taking to maintain the status quo in energy. It is like a suburban father driving into a very dangerous area to buy a drug to which he is addicted, risking all to get his fix. That is what we have been doing in off-shore drilling.
As the drifting estimates on how much oil is belching into the Gulf of Mexico increase, we are witnessing a disaster of immense proportions. Every 3.5 days this is creating another Exxon Valdez, which we are still cleaning up after more than twenty years. Deepwater Horizon's breach has been gushing for almost 30 days already. The suburban father has been mugged, rolled and arrested; lost everything.
We have known that our oil habit was heading to a bad conclusion ever since the 1950s. That is when it was correctly predicted that the U.S. oil production capability would peak in the early 1970s. It did. Oil output has been decreasing and oil is becoming increasingly hard to extract. Those accurate predictions have been tweaked over the years and the models show that we are currently peaking worldwide, hence the need for deep water drilling that led to current crisis in the Gulf. With all that knowledge, like the addict, we have been in serious denial.
Already today, you can see that the reporting on the siphoning indicates that the media are too readily siding with the oil companies and reporting their statements as fact. At this point in this crisis, there should be very little trust in what is released from either the companies involved, or the government officials who were obviously negligent in their responsibility to regulate the drilling. Hard questions are necessary including asking the President about Peak Oil.
We need leadership that will create a "space race" to get us off of oil as a source of energy. It won't be easy, but that is why we need real leadership. After being mugged and arrested, the government can force the addict to go through rehab. The "drill baby drill" people and the dealers, BP, Halliburton, et al, sound like entertainer Amy Winehouse on the subject of rehab, saying "no, no, no." We need to counter them by saying, "Yes, yes, yes.” The media need to report on Peak Oil, so that the discussion can begin. Then we might be able to break the oil jones.
Labels: Deepwater Horizon oil spill offshore peak oil Gulf of Mexico
We need to get beyond the "he-said, she-said" mentality. It's time to get a lot more militant in our rhetoric and let the Drill Baby Drill crowd know that their repeated failure means they no longer get a seat at the table when we talk about our energy future. It's time to lock them out. And we need to get organized. When CNN, NY Times and others give space to those claiming we still need oil, we must flood them with angry phone calls and letters. Boycott media that accept advertisements from oil companies. Expose oil industry funding of political campaigns. March on Washington. etc. etc.
We can't get this kind of project off the ground if we still accept as legitimate the idea that an oil-based economy is acceptable.
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